Tuesday, October 20, 2009



ven im not always update I like to share about myself and my personal sometimes .But I just wanna right something funny and its so not that cool.Give a light and shadow dint mean anything .Basically my english not that good .So I just come back from Sabah I had an open house over there .My opah and Atuk is there helping together fot the opening raya house all the big people come .I need to be PR with my Atuk 100% he do .Im so lazy hahahah.

So we had alot of food hehehe .Now me arghhh like hell getting avoid of this thing sometimes u never know .I just finish my school and my bud or bontot are hurt hahahah for sitting so long haha no kerusi.OII TEACHER BAGI LAA KERUSIII!!!!.Hahahaha so until now only im gonna tall talk talk .I will update more and upload many picture.